Jurisdiction: | Idaho |
Legal type: | Assumed Business Name |
Status: | Inactive-Cancelled |
Date of registration: | 23 Feb 1998 (27 years ago) |
Date dissolved: | 24 Feb 2003 |
Entity Number: | 51380 |
Place of Formation: | IDAHO |
File Number: | 0000051380 |
ZIP code: | 83814 |
County: | Kootenai County |
Mailing Address: | 715 INDIANA AVE COEUR D'ALENE, ID 83814 |
Filing Name | Filing Number | Filing date |
Cancellation of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667426 | 2005-12-23 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667425 | 2004-04-09 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667428 | 2003-02-18 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667427 | 2002-03-18 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667432 | 2001-04-12 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667431 | 2001-03-29 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667430 | 2000-03-09 |
Amendment of Certificate of Assumed Business Name | 0000667429 | 1999-01-14 |
Initial Filing | 0000051380 | 1998-02-23 |
Date of last update: 23 Sep 2024
Sources: Idaho Secretary of State