Business Information
Congressional District |
01 |
State/Country of Incorporation |
Activation Date |
2023-05-25 |
Initial Registration Date |
2023-04-28 |
Entity Start Date |
2023-02-23 |
Fiscal Year End Close Date |
Dec 31 |
Service Classifications
NAICS Codes |
561491, 561492, 561499, 561510, 561520, 561591, 561599, 561710, 561720, 561730, 561740, 711310, 711320, 711410, 711510, 712110, 712120, 712130, 712190, 713110, 713120, 713210, 713290, 713910, 713920, 713930, 713940, 713950, 713990, 721211, 721214, 721310, 722310, 722320, 722330, 722513, 722514, 722515, 811111, 811114, 811121, 811122, 811191, 811192, 811198, 811210, 811310, 811411, 811412, 811420, 811430, 811490, 812199, 812310, 812320, 812910, 812922, 812930, 812990, 813940, 813990, 814110 |
Product and Service Codes |
Z1PC, Z1PD, Z1PZ, Z2AA, Z2AB, Z2AZ, Z2BA, Z2BB, Z2BZ, Z2CA, Z2CZ, Z2DA, Z2EB, Z2EC, Z2ED, Z2EE, Z2EZ, Z2FC, Z2FD, Z2FE, Z2FF, Z2FZ, Z2GA, Z2GB, Z2GC, Z2HA, Z2HB, Z2HC, Z2HZ, Z2JA, Z2JB, Z2JZ, Z2KA, Z2KB, Z2KC, Z2KD, Z2KE, Z2KF, Z2KZ, Z2LA, Z2LB, Z2LC, Z2LZ, Z2MB, Z2MC, Z2MD, Z2ME, Z2MF, Z2MG, Z2MH, Z2MZ, Z2NA, Z2NB, Z2NZ, Z2PA, Z2PB, Z2PC, Z2PD, Z2PZ, Z2QA |
Points of Contacts
Electronic Business |
Title |
Name |
Address |
5678 S SUMMIT CREEK WAY APT 102, BOISE, ID, 83709, USA |
Government Business |
Title |
Name |
Address |
5678 S SUMMIT CREEK WAY APT 102, BOISE, ID, 83709, USA |
Past Performance |
Information not Available |